Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Everything in the Right Place

They left and found things just as Jesus had told them. So they prepared the Passover.
-Luke 22:13

Jesus gave the disciples very specific instructions about the preparations they needed to make for the Passover meal. See Luke 22:7-12.

The disciples followed His instructions to the detail. And everything was in place, just like Jesus said.

When God asks you to do something just do it. There is a lot to be said about obedience. There is no way to count the number of times God has called me to take a step of obedience that seemed crazy at the time. But when I got to the place where he told me to go, I found things just as Jesus told me they would be.

When God calls you to obey Him in your finances, career, or relationships, do it. And once you get there, you’ll find everything is in its place.

1 comment:

  1. This is right were I am at right now! The hardest part is trusting that I am not gonna fall on my face when I take that step. It is hard to take that God would want to move my family right when we started reconnecting with our church again. Reading this post helps me have the courage to move. I know God has a plan for our family that is bigger than what I can imagine. I am print off this post and hanging it all over my house to remind me that God is in control.
