Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Narrow World View

Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.
Matthew 7:13-14

You’ve got to choose a worldview. Sooner or later, everyone has to choose a way they’re going to see the world.

I’ve chosen a narrow way.

We’ve got to stop thinking that Christianity can be broad and inexclusive. It’s not. Jesus said it wasn’t. And no matter how hard we try to spin or frame it, there’s no getting around it.

There are pros and cons to a narrow way to see the world.
On the one hand, you’re focused and defined. You know your message. It’s clear, distinctive, and calls people to a decision.

On the other hand, you’re limited and exclusive. There’s going to be a large constituency that will write you off before you even have a chance to tell them your message. People aren’t going to like you. They’re going to judge you for being judgmental. Exclude you for being exclusive.

There’s no way around these pros and cons. You’ve simply got to decide how you’re going to see the world, and accept the consequences.

Just make sure you see it the way Jesus does. More is at stake here than being right. Or being right and then getting people to agree with you. The two roads Jesus talks about aren’t ways to being right and being wrong. They’re roads to life and death.

Destinations every person is walking to. And destinations that every believer in Jesus is pointing and carrying people to every second of every day.

I’ve chosen a narrow way. It might be exclusive, but it’s the only way to life. And life is exclusive of death.
In that case, I’ll accept the pros and cons of Jesus’ worldview.

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